February 2023 Newsletter
For the Love of Data!
Data For Decision Making.
Homeownership is a significant asset-building strategy for individuals. Owning a home is an important source of stability for children and families. Communities also benefit from high rates of homeownership. Residents who own their homes, in general, feel more rooted, take greater pride in the appearance of their homes, and have greater positive involvement with the community. However, homeownership rates in North Dakota have dropped across all income categories since 2010.

Dr. Nancy Hodur, director of the Center for Social Research at NDSU examined current housing market conditions in the 2022 North Dakota Statewide Housing Needs Assessment. In this article, Dr. Hodur provides some insight into why homeownership rates have declined over the past 10 years.
Data Worth Highlighting.
Volunteering is a form of civic engagement that brings significant benefits to individuals and communities. An estimated 27 percent of North Dakotans (age 16 years or older) or 158,017 people formally volunteered with organizations between September 2020 and September 2021. In total, these volunteers served an estimated 8.6 million hours of service with an economic value of $241.1 million. In addition, more than 273,000 people informally helped their neighbors during the pandemic in 2021.
Data To Answer Questions.
The Census Bureau uses income thresholds, which vary by family size and composition, to determine who is in poverty. If a family's total income is less than the family's threshold, then that family and every individual in it is considered in poverty. 

What North Dakota planning region has the largest percentage of individuals below the poverty threshold?

Data At The Local Level.
The 2023 North Dakota Geographic Profiles have been updated! Geographic profiles are available for North Dakota, eight planning regions, American Indian reservation areas, all 53 counties, metropolitan and micropolitan areas, and cities with populations of at least 1,000 people. Each profile contains key demographic and socio-economic measures.
More Data To Love.
There is always more data to love. Make sure you check back often for the newest data available!